Thursday, February 18, 2010


It is traditional to open such works with words praising those in power. Yet those who have power have the least need for praise. And since no living king can be found who believes in God and His signs and acknowledges His transcendent power, I have no appetite to appeal to the vanity of those whose dominions are ephemeral and who, though alive, may rightly be regarded as dead.

In the place of panegyric, I offer these few words.

Surely the kinsmen of His glory are today blessed above all races, notwithstanding that He is Lord of East and West equally. But today, Persia is sunk in loathsome oppression and worthless imaginings. Though the land of my fathers is immersed in vanity and corruption, though the West is far from God, who shall say we are lost if the lantern is unlit? When will His tribe and family deliver themselves from fear, rise up from their stupor, shake off the chains of ignorance and self-satisfaction, and burn brightly for this world and for the world yet to come? When will they realize the end to which they were purposed?

Rise up, sleepers, and claim your inheritance. How long will you slink away from your Lord’s command and, like Jonah, be swallowed up for your obstinacy? Though we have neither love for ourselves nor one another, His love is sufficient and He will redeem us all.

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