Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Hypnagogians

Are we not ourselves between waking and dreaming? Even asleep, do we not dream of the waking world? Even awake, are our thoughts not the coinage of vivid imagination? We are all hypnagogians. We possess both the apparatus of machines, rational and logical, and the spirit of the ancient gods, passionate and creative.

Yet beyond this, there is another intelligence. There is an elusive reality, glorious, overpowering, pervasive, changeless, and incorruptible. Al-Ganas possesses this insight; so too does al-Doushu, as you do, as all men do. From a single beam of light, through the prism of self, we describe different colors with different words. We assume certainty and finality imagining that red contradicts violet, that green opposes blue. How far this is from the truth of things.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait your new books !!!

    Lily Hamsah - Indonesia
